Originally released for the Xbox in Japan in 2004, Metal Wolf Chaos is a third-person mecha shooter developed by FromSoftware. It stars fictional president, Michael Wilson, as he goes on a mission to save the country from the evil Vice President, Richard Hawk, who has taken over the country in a coup d’etat.

The game was never released in English despite having English dialogue.

In January, Devolver Digital contacted FromSoftware via Twitter regarding Metal Wolf Chaos. A possible upcoming announcement of a localization or remaster may have been the end result.

Devolver Digital will host their E3 2018 press conference on June 10 at 8:00 p.m. PST. It will be the company’s second E3 conference, after previously hosting one last year.

Make sure to keep an eye on GameSkinny for more E3 2018 news and updates.