Well, if you wonder how to get this super powerful weapon, then follow our step-by-step guide below to bring you right to it.
Step 1: Destroy the Roots
Kalina Ann is the only hidden weapon in the game, which can be picked up in the middle of the story campaign. It is also very well hidden so you need to follow these steps carefully.
The rocket launcher can be obtained only at mission 11, when you enter the ruined building after defeating demons in the graveyard.
The building is entwined with ancient roots that keep it all together. But if you destroy the blood clots holding the roots, you will open the path to the secret room containing Kalina Ann.
Here are the three clots you need to destroy inside the building in order to reveal the hidden door:
On the ground floor to your right is the first clot attached to the root. Then, go forward and jump down one floor below for the second one. There go to your right and up, then down again, where you will see the third clot.
After destroying each of the blood clots, you will see an animation showing certain parts of the building shifting.
Step 2: Get Kalina Ann Rocket Launcher
After destroying the third blood clot a new room with a blue orb will appear in front of you. Here’s what you need to do next:
Pick up the blue orb. Go back to the previous room. You will see a new platform going up. Jump up the platform. Turn right, where you will see a new opening to the secret room. Enter the room.
Inside the room you will find Kalina Ann on the floor, which you can pick up and equip immediately.
That is how you find the secret rocket launcher in DMC 5.
Also, be sure to check out the Devil May Cry 5 review here at GameSkinny and learn why this game is so much fun.