Taking place during The End Times era of the Warhammer fantasy series, Warhammer: Vermintide follows four adventurers who are brought to the city of Ubersreik for various reasons. Upon their arrival, they discover the city has been overrun with the humanoid rat-monsters known as Skaven. What follows is a Left4Dead style fantasy first-person shooter with magic, swordplay, and arrows.

Martin Wahlund, the CEO of Fatshark released a statement today, discussing his pleasure at the game’s reception.

The promise for additional content follows true to promises that the company had made early in the game’s development regarding making additions to the series. Considering the success of this title, those promises seem much more likely to happen. 

Earlier this morning, Warhammer:Vermintide also received a minor patch addressing some bug fixes and balancing for their new game mode Last Stand. The patch references tweaks and optimizations being made to the game for console release, and teases new levels, enemies, weapons and other exciting content. Also announced was the new game difficulty mode, “Death Wish”.

Some people would consider this to be an April Fool’s joke, others would see it for what it truly is, a promise of things to come.

So far, the series has seen three DLC releases, including two free updates, and the aforementioned Last Stand mode as a purchasable in-game map. The press update promises additional content available May 2016.