We are Farmers…
A few new items were added to the game to help players reach the new Light level cap of 34. One of the new items is called Etheric Light. This item is used to “Ascend” your legendary gear from Light 36 to Light 42. Etheric Light has a chance to drop from the weekly nightfall strike, Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner rans 3 and 5 and from Prison of Elders (PoE).
The other new item is the Treasure key which is used to open the giant reward chest at the end of each Prison of Elders run. The key drops from new specialized public events that deal with clearing waves of fallen wolves and opening the chest that appears in the area within 1 minute and 30 seconds.
These items are a great help to help everyone reach the new level cap but the drop rate for them is so low, its basically non-existent. This has caused everyone to “farm” for etheric light in PoE to ascend their armor and weapons and the chests during the public events to get treasure keys in order to do PoE. The farming is such a huge nuisance for the Destiny community it frustrates people to the point where some don’t bother going through with the farming.
I myself have farmed for 6+ hours and only got 2 keys on my day off from work. This is such a let down as the rest of the content is amazing but the drop rate and RNG loot system that Destiny has in place can be a real pain in the behind!
According to DeeJ, the Destiny community dev in this week’s latest weekly update, Bungie is working on these issues and making sure us Guardians won’t be farmers for long.