“She was extremely stirred up and frightened, yet she was an officer and she proceeded to film the entire day,” a source on the set tells Individuals. “She would have rather not appear for work.”


As per the source, Richards was riding in the front seat of their Passage F-150 Shelby get truck while Phypers, 50, was in the driver’s seat.

As the couple went to the one-day film shoot in South Los Angeles, Phypers saw that a gold and maroon van was following them.

“[Aaron] could tell — he continued to make freedoms since they were plainly being followed,” the source says. “The person was clearly pissed behind him.”

“The van was on his tail, pushing him nearly… they couldn’t sort it out,” the source proceeds, it were both “hysterical” over the circumstance to take note of that Richards and Phypers.

At last, the van pulled up to one side and Phypers lowered his window to stand up to the driver. During their trade, the source says the man “went off of them” and guaranteed Phypers cut him off,

— B. Scott (@lovebscott) November 16, 2022

However Phypers apologized, the man kept on shouting at them so Phypers drove off, as per the source.

It was only after the couple got to set that they understood the man had shot the rear of their truck. Fortunately, no one was harmed in the episode.

“The person had taken off by then, however when they understood the vehicle was shot, they were truly blown a gasket, and the creation got the scene,” the source says.

“Despite the fact that they were vexed, [Richards] chose to remain and film. Her job was only a one-day bargain.”

“The creation organization encouraged her however they didn’t record a police report,” the source adds. “They think now that individuals were after the actual vehicle since it’s worth very much of cash.” While no police report was recorded, the source affirms that somebody on creation called specialists after the episode.

Nonetheless, it’s muddled on the off chance that officials answered the scene as the Los Angeles Police Division tells Individuals it doesn’t have data on the occurrence.

TMZ was first to report the news. Richards is right now shooting Heavenly messengers Fallen: Fighters of Harmony, which is set to be delivered in 2023.