Besides, Denise Ho is prevalently known as a basic freedoms dissident and favorable to a majority rules government in Hong Kong. She was granted the twelfth Chinese Film Media Awards in 2012 for the best-supporting entertainer classification.

The flexible vocalist Denise Ho consistently catches the public’s eye from her exhibition; she as of late got viral for her capture. Hong Kong’s public safety captured Denise Ho and the other five, the web-based favorable to a majority rules government news source Stands News, on 29 December 2021.

According to the source, Hundreds of Hong Kong cops attack another supportive of a majority rules government outlet on Wednesday. Six individuals, including Denise Ho, were arrested by Hong Kong’s public safety for ‘”intrigue to distribute subversive distributions”.

In 2014, Stand News was set up as a non-benefit and the most unmistakable supportive of a majority rule government distribution in Hong Kong. The previous overseer of the distribution, Denise Ho, affirmed her capture through her Facebook handle.

She was taken toward the Western District police headquarters with the top of the Hong Kong Journalist Association, Ronson Chan. Pop Star Denise Ho Charges and Hong Kong Sedition.

The public safety cops assaulted another room in the Kwan Tong region early today. As indicated by a different Hong Kong government articulation, they strike with holding onto editorial materials.

Inside a year, the Hong Long police more than once captured senior media individuals and looked through the workplaces of information associations containing editorial materials.

The Cantonese pop artist, Denise Ho, was captured at her home at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, 29 December 2021. The officials hold onto her telephones, PCs, visa, and ID card.

— Nathan Law 羅冠聰 (@nathanlawkc) December 29, 2021

The National Security Law was proclaimed in June 2022. Under the law, condemned demonstrations of severance, illegal intimidation, disruption, and coordinated effort with unfamiliar powers to imperil public safety, Denies Ho and the other three are accused of a greatest sentence of life detainment.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association has done dissidence to secure press opportunity as per the Basic Law. The HKJA goes under a firestorm of analysis from Hong Kong Authorities and Chinese State media.

Starting at 2021, Denise Ho is altogether single. She doesn’t have any spouse according as far as anyone is concerned. The craftsman Denise Ho has seldom discussed her affection life, so we don’t have data on her significant other or sweetheart.