Steam has finally given gamers relief that the embarrassing game they purchased won’t be found by their friends (or parents) while they snoop around your computer. This isn’t like the “hide” option — it completely removes the game from your Steam account.
In order to do this, go up to the “Help” tab at the top of the Steam application. Then you want to click “Steam support”. After that navigate down that list to “Games, Software, etc.”
Then search for the game you want to delete. Click it, then click “I want to permanently remove this game from my account”. It will ask if you are sure and inform you that you will no longer own the game. Be sure that you have uninstalled the game before removing it from your library, since it will not uninstall it for you.
This will bring a new meaning to ‘spring cleaning’ after you buy some games over the holidays. Especially when you are drinking your adult eggnog with your credit card in hand. I would not advise doing this. But at least now you can undo it.